Glutinous Industries, a very well known, reputed & fastest growing market leader in thermal paper, chamical, glue and BOPP tape.
In Glutinous we are manufacturing 100% skin friendly & hygiene product for our valued customers.
Free ConsultationGlutinous products are ISO certified, after production we perform different type of testing on our products to meet customer requirements.
After book your order at Gutinous, We provide quick delivery for our customer depending on locations.
We have implement letest online solution for our business for track transaction. Our Customer can get Invoice and ledger anytime at one click.
We have hire experts for resolve any bottlenack. You can directly call them and get soltions.
We have started a DSA (Direct Selling Agent) program at Glutinous. By using this any person can register with us and get chance to earn and grow his/her business.
How DSA works ?